Jeffco Educators Announcement

Dear Jeffco Public School Educators,

The Board is announcing the launch of a JeffcoPublic Schools Branded Fundraising Platformdesigned especially for ourschools, activity and athletic programs. It’s called This state of the art fundraising program has been approved and vetted for its security, multiple income streams, ease of use, accountability, and product line. By featuringthe #1 coupon and fundraising platform in the world, Entertainment Group, and their digital partner, iBuddy Club, Inc., we have the first branded community conscious product that takes the tracking, inventory and financial responsibility out of the hands of the students, parents, coaches, teachers and administrators.

TheJeffco Wins “Passport to Savings” Mobile Coupon App is available for your programs and students to raise funds, bring awareness and buy at Simply “START YOUR CAMPAIGN”.

The benefits are many for our teachers, PTO’s, coaches, activity directors as well as the individual students and parents. Here is the short list provided by iBuddy Club, Inc.

·         Unification of the community around the “Passport to Savings”.
·         JeffcoSupporter savings, awareness &interaction day in and day out, year in and year out.
·         The contracted deals are the best in the industry &defray the cost of the app immediately.
·         Deepest Discounted Deals in over 10,000 cities towns, so students can sell out of Colorado.
·         The fundraising program offers “Five” income streams that are available 24/7/365 including;
1.) Off the Top, 2.) Extra Donation, 3.) Kick Back (after coupon redemption), 4.) Renewal (renews our supporters yearly & sends a check to program), 5.) Merchants Sponsors.
·         The Jeffco Branded School District App gives selling clout to the students &takes the third-party sale out of the equation.Offers Supporters name recognition and security.
·         The segregation of accounts & cosseting of fundsmakes for an easy, accountable, risk free event.
·         Students & Administrators get aninteractive educational dashboard to manage sales.
·         Fundraiser and Supporter Specific messaging tools from the dashboards.
·         Incentivized Registration and ReferralCampaigns with Prizes and iBCBucks.
·         It’s a community conscious inexpensive way to support Jeffcoprograms.
·         Offers Individual Students the ability to raise funds for your class, activity and or program w/out oversite of administrator.
·         Cost is only $29.99 simply Text Jeffco to 313131 to get the App for free and review savings.

Please visit to Start Your Campaign or contact any one of the three local Digital Marketing Specialist at the bottom of the page.

Diana Wilson
Jim Thyfault


Fred Layman Chief Executive Officer                                       (803) 514-6579
